PF Office Pune Details Address, Contact

In Pune, there is only One PF office, which is located at Camp Pune. The address and contact number of the PF office are given below.

PF Office Pune Details Address, Contact, working hours

Regional PF Office – PUNE
Address: 2-3rd Floor, Pune Cant. Board Building,
Shankarsheth Road, Near Golibar Maidan, Camp,
Email : ro[dot]pune[at]epfindia[dot]gov[dot]in
Contact No: 1800118005 (All India Helpline )

Available services at Pune PF office.
1. All claim-related services
2. Aadhar Card update
3. Aadhar & Pan Link to PF account
4. Other PF-related queries

Pune PF office working hours
Monday: 9:30 am–6 pm
Tuesday: 9:30 am–6 pm
Wednesday: 9:30 am–6 pm
Thursday: 9:30 am–6 pm
Friday: 9:30 am–6 pm
Saturday: Weekly off
Sunday: Weekly off

How to Reach to Pune PF office
1. By PMT BUS: From Swargate take Hadapsar Bus and buy a Golibar Maidan ticket.
2. By Auto: Take Separate Auto or Share auto from Swargate to Golibar Maidan.

SourceEPF India


Que: Where is the Provident Fund office in Pune?

Ans: Pune PF office is located at Shankarsheth Road, Near Golibar Maidan, Camp,

Que: How can I know my EPF office?

Ans: Open the website then click on “services” and then click on locate EPFO office.

Que: How long PF claim takes?

Ans: If you claim online it takes up to 1 week and if you claim offline it can take up to 20 days.

2 thoughts on “PF Office Pune Details Address, Contact”

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